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is a Herbit Italia’s product

Herbit Italia’s headquarter is located in the industrial district of Corsico, directly connected to Milan.
Its business areas comprehend own-brand productions and third-party branded productions.

Own-brand production

For the own-brand production, Herbit Italia has studied and gradually defined the manufacturing of new and specific products able to contribute to the improvement of our smoke consumers’ lifestyle.
This is a unique specialization that will make possible to manufacture products extremely efficient and functional to this end.

These products’ name is SMOCARE®

Third-party branded production

In the third-party branded production, that has begun in 2019, Herbit Italia is a privileged speaker for important factories and pharmaceutical groups.

A series of many products on the market that are daily bought by consumers from trustworthy companies, are made by Herbit Italia. In a more recent and wider collaboration, Herbit Italia has been able to develop new exclusive formulations for about 360 products for many and different scopes.

Among the developed products, we can find anti-reflux, digestive and cleansing of the liver, antioxidant and multivitamin, cholesterol, painkilling, venotonic, relaxing, purgative, sporting, hair, body and face beauty, weight loss and weight control, memory improving and cognitive functions and other products. Herbit Italia preserve its organizational and business independence, but the research and development activities are left to the pharmaceutical group.